Thank You For Making the 2021 Fall FUN(d) Raising Party a HUGE SUCCESS!

Happy Fall to all! The weather is finally changing from Summer to Fall (we’re not at all unhappy with the extra days of beautiful weather). In Pepin our walnut trees have shed but maples have not even turned color yet (dry Summer?). Winter will happen, so enjoy every day.

Our Annual Fall Fun(d) Raising Party was a success in many ways:

  • We reconnected with so many, and received responses from many others who could not make it but hope to see in the future. Our enjoyment in chatting with everyone was so worth it. The warmth and love of all of you who came to support our effort, or could not make it but sent in donations to help to raise money for our 3 charities which are doing so much to make our world a better place, made our effort well worth it!
  • We had an absolutely fun day, the weather was great, the games were so competitive and fun, the chatting was so enjoyable and the dinner of pork stew was delicious (we enjoyed the extra stew and garlic French bread for several days afterwards!).
  • We gave away 50+ bottles of our 2019 Altered States Apple wine, and have several more bottles to deliver to several of you who mailed in donations!
  • We raised $1570 + $720 + $650 in donations to our 3 charities, for a total of $2940. We matched $2590 of that ($350 we matched through wood beams we gave in exchange for donation to a charity). Therefore, a grand total of $5,530.00 was donated to our 3 charities thru this Annual Fall Fund(d) Raising Party. We have come together to help make our local and international neighbors healthier and more financially independent.
  • We believe that we are all connected in this world, our individual and collective acts of kindness and helping others (not just what we do but all of us all over our world, in helping others… friends, family, and strangers in acts of kindness =) transforms our world from a place of existence to one of shared happiness and joy and peace and prosperity for all. We are making our beautiful world a better human place. We are One Human Family.

Our Apple Orchard is a work in progress. After many lessons that we learned in correct watering, protecting from rabbits, deer, diseases, and other predators our orchard is doing well. Don’t hesitate to stop by to chat anytime, as we’re always here (mostly!)… just give me a heads up call : 763-454-0880.

Put the date in your calendar for 2022: 8th Annual Fun(d) Raising Party:

Saturday , September 10, 2022.

It will happen… we hope to all who have attended and so many who could not make it this or prior years but support our mission, that you and your friends can join us. Reserve the date!

Love, Peace, and Charity,

Lost Creek Hippies Vineyard Orchard

Ps: Not changing our name to Orchard until 2023 when our hosting expires and we change to a less expensive method.

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